Venue: Committee Room
Contact: Helen Barrington Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Michael Payne, Councillor Pat Bosworth and Patricia Woodfield.
Councillor Rachael Ellis attended as a substitute. |
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2019. PDF 52 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the above meeting, having been circulated, be approved as a correct record. |
Declaration of Interests. Minutes: None. |
Gifts and Hospitality 2018/19 PDF 90 KB Report of the Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services introduced a report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, informing members of gifts and hospitality received between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019.
To note the report. |
Report of the Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services introduced a report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, seeking agreement of the action plan, amended Code of Conduct and amended Arrangements for Dealing with Complaints required to implement the best practice recommendations set out in the Committee on Standards in Public Life report following the review of local government ethical standards.
1) The action plan for implementing the best practice recommendations set out in the Committee on Standards in Public Life report at Appendix 2 be approved;
2) Subject to minor additions agreed at the meeting, the amended Code of Conduct at Appendix 3 be agreed and referred to Council for approval; and
3) Subject to minor amendments agreed at the meeting, the amended Arrangements for Dealing with Complaints at Appendix 4 be approved. |
Report of the Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services introduced a report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, informing members about the code of conduct training delivered to Borough Councillors following the elections in May 2019 and the current position with regard to the Register of Members’ Interests forms received from Borough and Parish Members and Co-opted Members.
To note the report and agree that after the Borough Council has adopted its revised Code of Conduct, the Chair of the Committee to write to all Parish Councils requesting that they adopt the new code and offering flexible Code of Conduct training to Parish Councillor and Clerks. |
Code of Conduct Complaints Update PDF 83 KB Report of the Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services introduced a report, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, informing members of complaints received between 13 February 2019 and 24 June 2019. The Director of Organisational Development and Democratic Services verbally updated the committee that the two complaints outstanding at the time of drafting the report had been determined and the details will be reported to the next meeting.
To note the report. |
Any other item which the Chair considers urgent. Minutes: None. |