Agenda and minutes

Remote Meeting, Licensing Act Panel - Monday 1 June 2020 9.30 am, NEW

Venue: Remote Meeting

Contact: Alec Dubberley  Service Manager Democratic Services


No. Item


Election of Chair


Councillor Paling was elected as Chair for the meeting.


Declaration of Interests




To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20 August 2019. pdf icon PDF 119 KB




That the minutes of the above meeting, having been previously circulated are agreed as a correct record.


Consideration of an application to vary a premises license at the Gedling Club and Institute, 66 Main Road, Gedling, Nottingham. pdf icon PDF 4 MB


The panel considered an application for the variation of a premises license at The Gedling Club and Institute, 66 Man Road, Gedling, Nottingham.




Grant the application for the variation of the licence and to amend the plan attached to the Club certificate to extend the boundary of the premises, being the external area, as per the plan attached to the application. Subject to the following conditions being added to the operating schedule:


1)    The external area of the premises shall not be used for the provision of licensable activities or for the consumption of food or beverages after 21:00 hours


2)    Notices to be displayed in the internal and external area detailing the above


3)    Notices to be displayed in the external area advising members to have respect for the residents and keep noise to a minimum when in the outside area


4)    That CCTV is installed covering the external area that is fit for purpose and can be monitored from within the club


Having considered all of the evidence before it the Panel have found it helpful to understand how the external area was before and how the extension has improved access and egress for those members with mobility issues along with the details of the smoking shelter as it was and how it is now.


The Panel also found it helpful to understand the history of the Club, having been part of the landscape of Gedling for many years along with the members it attracts. They also found it helpful to understand the location of the Objectors properties in reference to the Club. The Panel also noted that the Club is in a predominately residential area but only 3 properties raised any representations.


The Panel have considered the Objectors right to a private life and balanced this with the Applicants right to a licence and to be able to continue to run the Club for the benefit of the current and future members. The Panel also understand that at present, there is no restriction on numbers or times of members being allowed in the outside area, and there is no restriction on drinking outside the premises.


The Panel heard from the Objectors and considered the relevant written representations regarding the concerns over an increase in public nuisance, namely people staying in the external area for longer leading to an increase in noise and smoke and the potential impact this may have on the neighbouring resident’s enjoyment of their premises.


The Panel found sympathy with the Objectors however they were not persuaded by the evidence heard that there would be a significant increase in public nuisance if they were to allow the variation. Members heard from the Applicant that this is a member’s only club and policing membership and controlling any nuisance behaviour is easier on this basis. Members appreciate that the increase in open space means 2 tables 8 chairs and around 4 people in the smoking area will increase the potential number of people encouraged  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.