Agenda and minutes

Licensing Act Panel - Tuesday 2 December 2014 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Lyndsey Parnell  Members' Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chair

To elect a Chair for the hearing


Councillor Marje Paling was elected as Chair.


Apologies for absence


No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of Interest




Application for a Review of the Premises License in respect of the 'Robin Hood and Little John Public House, Main Street, Lambley" - Licensing Act 2003 pdf icon PDF 11 MB

To consider an application for a review of the premises licence in respect of ‘Robin Hood and Little John Public House, Main Street, Lambley


The Panel considered an application to review the Premises Licence granted to The Robin Hood and Little John Public House, Main Street, Lambley, Nottinghamshire.


The Panel heard evidence from:


Mr Christopher Ford (Applicant)

Mr Christopher Grunert (Solicitor for Premises Licence Holder)

Mr Marcus Helps (Area Manager for Marston’s PLC)


In making its decision, the Panel had regard to the Gedling Borough Council Licensing Policy, the guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Human Rights Act 1998 and has carefully considered all the evidence presented to it.




To modify the Premises Licence to amend the permitted hours for regulated entertainment and entertainment facilities to:

Monday- Saturday

10:00hrs- 23:00hrs


12:00hrs- 23:00hrs

Non – Standard Times will continue to apply in relation to New Year’s Eve.