Agenda and minutes

Licensing Act Panel - Thursday 25 February 2016 10.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Lyndsey Parnell  Senior Elections and Members' Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chair.


Councillor Paling was elected to Chair the meeting.


Apologies for Absence.


No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of Interest.




Application for a new Premises License in respect of "Daybrook Post Office and Newsstore, 131 Sherbrook Road, Daybrook, Nottingham, NG5 6AS" - Licensing Act 2003. pdf icon PDF 11 MB

To consider an application for a new Premises License in respect of “Daybrook Post Office and Newsstore, 131 Sherbrook Road, Daybrook, Nottingham, NG5 6AS”.


The Panel considered an application for a Premises Licence for 131 Sherbrook Road, Daybrook, Nottingham, NG5 6AS.


The applicant and interested part, a resident objector, were in attendance at the hearing.


The panel heard representations from the applicant and interested party.


In making its decision the Panel has had regard to the Gedling Borough Council Licensing Policy, the guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Human Rights Act 1998 and has carefully considered all of the evidence presented to it.


The Panel has made this decision to promote the four Licensing Objectives:

1.    Prevention of Crime and Disorder;

2.    Public Safety;

3.    Prevention of Public Nuisance; and

4.    Protection of Children from Harm.




To grant the application for a Premises Licence. The permitted hours for the licensable activities, namely the supply of alcohol, are:


6am-10pm Monday- Saturday

7am- 10pm on Sunday.


The Licence is subject to the mandatory conditions and the following conditions:


1.    A CCTV system with recording equipment shall be installed and maintained at the premises. Cameras shall encompass all ingress and egress to the premises and all areas where the sale/supply of alcohol takes place. Equipment shall be maintained in good working order and:

·         Be of evidential quality and produce colour images in all lighting conditions;

·         Indicate the time and date;

·         Be retained for 31 days;

·         Sufficient staff will be trained to use the system; and

·         The original images will be made available for inspection immediately upon request to Officers of responsible authorities.


Copies of the recording shall be provided in a format which can be viewed readily on available equipment without the need for specialist software.


2.    An electronic or paper record shall be kept at the premises to record all instances where service is refused. Such record shall show:

·         The basis for refusal;

·         The person making the decision to refuse; and

·         The date and time of the refusal.


Such record shall be retained at the premises for at least 12 months, and shall be made available for inspection and copying by the Police or any other authorised person, immediately upon request.


3.    All members of staff shall be fully trained in the retail sale of alcohol. The training shall be on-going and each member of staff shall be reviewed every 6 months. All details of the level of training will be recorded in an electronic or paper record. This information shall be made available for inspection and copying by the Police or any other authorised Officer of the Licensing Authority within 5 working days of the receipt of written request. Such records shall be retained for at least 12 months.


4.    A Challenge 21 or similar policy will be implemented and enforced at all times. Any person who appears to be under 25 years of age shall not be allowed to purchase alcohol unless they produce an acceptable form of photo identification (e.g. passport, driving license of PASS accredited card).


5.    Challenge 21 posters will be places in prominent  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.