26 Application no. 2024/0381 - Ernehale Lodge Nursing Home, 82A Furlong Street, Arnold PDF 851 KB
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Change of Use from Nursing Home to 19 No. Dwellings with rear, side and roof extensions and facade alterations.
Jamie Khariuk, a local resident, spoke against the application.
Councillor Sam Smith joined the meeting.
The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report.
Councillor Martin Smith, seconded by Councillor Sam Smith proposed that should the application be granted, an additional condition in relation to keyless entry to the site and CCTV, should be added, which was carried.
Following debate, the recommendations within the officer’s report to grant planning permission were not carried.
The Chair adjourned the meeting to allow officers to draft the proposed reasons for refusal of the application.
The meeting was adjourned at 18:33pm.
The meeting resumed at 18.38pm.
To refuse the application for the following reason:
1. There are currently high levels of on-street car parking close to the application site and the proposal does not provide adequate off-street car parking to serve the development. As such, it is considered that the development will cause unacceptable issues of on-street car parking in the surrounding area, to the detriment of highway safety. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policies 57 and 61 of the adopted Local Planning Document (2018).