Issue - meetings

Selective Licensing outcome of the phase 1A public consultation

Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 121)

121 Selective Licensing outcome of the phase 1A public consultation pdf icon PDF 420 KB

Report of the Food, Health and Housing Manager.

Additional documents:


The Food, Health and Housing Manager introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking approval of the implementation of the phase 1a selective Licensing scheme in the Netherfield Ward for a period of up to 5 years.




1)    Approve the designation of the Phase 1A Selective Licensing area outlined in red at appendix 1 to the report as being subject to the Selective Licensing with effect from 5 January 2025;


2)    Approve the licence conditions to be attached to licences issued under the Selective Licensing Scheme at Appendix 2 to the report;


3)    Authorise the Director for Place to publish a Notice of Designation in accordance with the Housing Act 2004;


4)    Approve the licensing fees as set out in Table 1a and 1b of paragraph 4.2 of the report; and


5)    Note the financial and staffing implications associated with the Selective Licensing scheme as set out in the financial implications section of the report.