Issue - meetings

Application 2024/0094

Meeting: 24/07/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 16)

16 Application no. 2024/0094 - Total Site, Road No 3, Colwick pdf icon PDF 479 KB


The erection of industrial and warehouse units (Use Classes E(g)(iii), B2 and B8) together with access and servicing arrangements, parking, landscaping, boundary fencing and associated works.


George Dickens of Chancery Gate, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Development Manager informed members of a proposed amendment to condition 7 of the report, in relation to the relocation of the bus stop and in terms of its timing, as follows:


“The proposed industrial units shall not be brought into use until an application has been submitted to Nottinghamshire County for bus-stop GEO336 to be re-located, as shown on drawing 21068-602 P05”.


He then went on to introduce the report.


Members resolved to add an additional condition in respect of security for the site when it was not in operation, through the submission and approval of a ‘site management plan’.  Based on Members’ observations, The Development Manager provided the wording for an additional condition 19 and the associated reason, as follows:


Condition 19 - “Prior to the occupation of buildings hereby permitted a 'site management plan' identifying means of security for the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Thereafter, the approved site management plan shall be adhered to”.


Reason – “To ensure the site is secure and does not encourage anti-social behaviour and to comply with guidance within the NPPF”.





To GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION: subject to the following conditions:




 1       The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.


 2       The development hereby permitted shall be completed in accordance with the following drawings:


- Unit 19 Site Access Junction Visibility - J32-5783-PS-103 - Revision B;

- Internal Vehicle Tracking 16.5M Max Legal - J32-5783-PS-113;

- Road No.1 Site Access Junction Visibility - J32-5783-PS-101 - Revision B;

- Planning Layout - North - 853.19.08 Revision A;

- Planting Layout - South - 853.29.09 Revision A;

- Proposed Site Plan - 21068-302 P-05;

- Unit 19 - Proposed Elevations - 21068-0721 P-03;

- Units 1-6 - Proposed Elevations - 21068-0321 P-03;

- Units 7-11 - Proposed Elevations - 21068-0421 P-03;

- Units 12-15 - Proposed Elevations - 21068-0521 P-03;

- Units 16-18 - Proposed Elevations - 21068-0621 P-03;

- Units 1-6 - Proposed Floor Plans - 21068-0310 P-03;

- Proposed Cycle Storage - 21068-305 P-01;

- Unit 19 - Proposed Roof Plan - 21068-0711 P-03;

- Units 16-18 - Proposed Roof Plan - 21068-0611 P-03;

- Unit 19 - Proposed Sections - 21068-0731 P-03;

- Location Plan - 21068-0300 P-01;

- Units 7-11 - Proposed Floor Plans - 21068-0410 P-03;

- Units 12-15 - Proposed Floor Plans - 21068-0510 P-03;

- Units 16-18 - Proposed Floor Plans - 21068-0610 P-03;

- Unit 19 - Proposed Floor Plan - 21068-0710 P-03;

- Units 1-6 - Proposed Roof Plan - 21068-0311 P-03;

- Units 7-11 - Proposed Roof Plan - 21068-0411 P-03;

- Units 12-15 - Proposed Roof Plan - 21068-0511 P-03;

- Units 1-6  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16