Issue - meetings

Planning Application 2023/0830

Meeting: 05/06/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 4)

4 Application no. 2023/0830 - Land East of Killisick Lane, Arnold pdf icon PDF 559 KB


Councillor Greensmith left the meeting.



Erection of 45 dwellings, including associated infrastructure, landscaping and open space.


Claire Richards, a representative on behalf of local residents, spoke in objection to the application.


Grace Clarkson, Strategic Land and Planning Manager, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Development Manager introduced the report and advised the committee of a typo on page 59, para 6.5, bullet point 1.  He confirmed that £45,000 was being sought. 


He added that condition 11 on page 64 required updating as the landscape masterplan was broadly acceptable, but did not include adequate detail, and therefore it should read as follows:


Notwithstanding the approved Landscaping Scheme pursuant to the Landscape Masterplan BG23.146-BRGR-ZZ-ZZ-DR-L-0001 Revision P02 and the Landscape Management Plan BY00131-STH-B01-00-DR-A-0011, prior to above ground works commencing there shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority detailed landscape details, including a planting schedule.  Development shall proceed in accordance with the approved details no later than during the first planting season (October - March) following either the substantial completion of the development hereby permitted or it being first brought into use, whichever is sooner. If, within a period of 5 years of from the date of planting, any tree or shrub planted as part of the approved Landscaping Scheme is removed, uprooted, destroyed, dies or become diseased or damaged then another tree or shrub of the same species and size as that originally planted must be planted in the same place during the next planting season following its removal. Once provided all hard landscaping works shall thereafter be permanently retained throughout the lifetime of the development.


He then went on to introduce the report.


Members had requested two additional conditions in respect of wheel washing and drainage details during construction.  The former point was covered in the already approved ‘construction management and mitigation’, identified in condition 7 and the later point was covered by condition 8(g).  As a result, no additional conditions were deemed necessary.




To GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION: Subject to the owner entering into a planning obligation secured through a s106 legal agreement with the Borough Council as the Local Planning Authority and the County Council to secure affordable housing, public transport improvements; education; health; public open space; highway improvements; monitoring and a local labour agreement; and subject to the conditions listed for the reasons set out in the report.





1.       The development hereby permitted shall commence before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.



2.       The development authorised by this permission shall be carried out in complete accordance with the approved drawings and specification listed below:


Construction Management and Mitigation for Killisick Lane – July 2023

Transport Statement P2247_20230810 - TPS August 2023

Noise Impact Assessment NIA-10905-23-11104 V2.0.

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Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment BG23.146.10  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4