31 Consultation on the Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan PDF 339 KB
Report of the Planning Policy Manager
Additional documents:
A recorded vote for the motion was proposed, seconded and on being put to vote was agreed. Voting for the motion was as follows:
Councillors Allan, Barnes, Clarke, Dunkin, David Ellis, Rachael Ellis, Roxanne Ellis, Ellwood, Feeney, Fox, Hollingsworth, Hughes, Hunt, V McCrossen, R McCrossen, Najuk, Paling, Pearson, Robinson-Payne, Scroggie, Strong, Wheeler and Whiting
Bestwick, Elliott, Greensmith, Maltby, Pickering, M Smith, S Smith and Walker
The motion was carried.
1) The Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and Sustainability Appraisal be approved in so far as it relates to Gedling Borough, to allow a period of public representations; and
2) Council approves the submission of the Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and Sustainability Appraisal to the Secretary of State with associated evidence documents for independent examination under section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 subject to there not being the need for any substantial changes following consultation on the Publication Draft.
3) Council delegates authority to the Director of Place in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee to make any minor editing changes such as typographical, formatting or changes to imagery necessary to the Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and any supporting evidence documents prior to consultation and/or submission
128 Consultation on the Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan PDF 341 KB
Report of the Planning Policy Manager.
Additional documents:
The Planning Policy Manager introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking approval for the Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and Sustainability Appraisal to be submitted to the Secretary of State, subject to there being no substantial changes arising from a six week period of consultation.
1) Approve the Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and Sustainability Appraisal for submission to Council in so far as it relates to Gedling Borough, to allow a period of public representations;
2) Recommend that Council approves the submission of the Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and Sustainability Appraisal to the Secretary of State with associated evidence documents for independent examination under section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 subject to there not being the need for any substantial changes following consultation on the Publication Draft; and
3) Recommend that Council delegates authority to the Director of Place in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee to make any minor editing changes such as typographical, formatting or changes to imagery necessary to the Publication Draft Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and any supporting evidence documents prior to consultation and/or submission.