79 Hill Crest Business Park Extension, Calverton PDF 183 KB
Report of the Head of Regeneration and Welfare
Additional documents:
The Head of Regeneration and Welfare introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking approval to proceed with the design and development of 4 additional small business units for SME’s at the Hill Crest Business Park in Calverton (the site).
1) Note the D2N2 decision to include the Hill Crest Business Park extension onto the LEP Capital Programme;
2) Approve an increase in the Hill Crest Business Park project budget of £146,000 to be funded from the UK SPF grant which creates an overall budget of £1,534,000;
3) Approve officers to continue with the completion of the D2N2 Final Business Case submission and therefore proceed with the design development to RIBA 4 at a cost of £78,000 and Employer Agents costs of £18,000 both of which are included in the proposed new budget envelope; and
4) Delegate authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Legal Services Manager and Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy, to sign off the final business case submission and enter into a legal agreement with the D2N2 LEP to deliver the scheme, should the business case be successful.