Issue - meetings

Planning Application 2023/0435

Meeting: 29/11/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 49)

49 Application no. 2023/0435 - Land North of Magenta Way, Stoke Bardolph pdf icon PDF 505 KB


Due to public interest, the Chair brought item 5 forward on the agenda.



Erection of a drive thru restaurant, with associated access, car parking, drainage, and landscaping.


Michael Heffernan and Tracy Hill who were local residents, spoke in objection to the application.


Richard Croft of Henry Developments, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer informed members that since the publication of the agenda, four letters of objection had been received, but the matters raised within those representations had already been considered within the committee report. 


He asked members to note that the Stoke Bardolph Parish Meeting group were not consulted on the application initially as there was some ambiguity as to whether the application fell within the parish boundary and whether they formed a parish council.  He added that the meeting group had since been consulted and had submitted comments following the publication of the report, which he went on to summarise as follows:


There would be a significant increase in traffic when compared to the existing permission for the public house which would have an adverse impact on the local highway network; the cumulative impact of the development needed to be considered alongside Victoria Retail Park as traffic already backed up to Magenta Way at peak times; a travel plan was unlikely to reduce the number of vehicles because the development was relying on drive through customers rather than eat in diners; that the development would have an adverse impact on air quality due to an increase in motor vehicles; the development would have an adverse impact on health; the development would harm the amenity  through anti-social behaviour; the development would create a high level of  fly-tipping and littering and there would be no assurances about the management of the littering; that they objected to the application and suggested that planning permission should be refused.


He then went on to introduce the report.


Councillor Bestwick joined the meeting at 6:31pm.



Following debate, Councillor Adams, seconded by Councillor Sam Smith, proposed an amendment to condition 13 requiring litter picking to be specifically included within 100 metres of the application site, which would read as follows:


Condition 13


Before the first occupation of the building hereby permitted, a waste management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall also include measures for litter picking within a 100m radius of the application site boundary and bin locations and to limit litter entering beyond the application site. Once approved, all operations within the site relating to waste shall only commence in accordance with the waste management plan.


The amendment was carried and it was therefore




To Grant Planning permission subject to Conditions:


 1     The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.


 2     The development authorised by this permission shall be carried out in complete accordance with the approved drawings and specification listed below: 


Site Layout      Scale:  1:250@A1 Ref:  18036-SGP-05-XX-DR-A-131000  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49