Issue - meetings

Application 2023/0091

Meeting: 26/07/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 16)

16 Application no. 2023/0091 - Land Off Georges Lane, Calverton pdf icon PDF 359 KB


Construction of two open round barrows and a grass covered barrow for the placement of cremation urns, access path and landscaping.


Matthew Lymn Rose, Managing Director of AW Lymn, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer informed members that since the publication of the report an additional letter of support had been received from the Reverend Canon Malachy Brett highlighting the need and desire for this type of burial provision.  He then went on to introduce the report and concluded that the application was recommended for refusal, as outlined in the report.




To Refuse Planning Permission for the following reason(s):


 1       The proposed development would represent inappropriate development in the Green Belt and would cause harm to the openness of the Green Belt. The proposal does not meet any of the criteria listed in paragraphs 149 or 150 of the NPPF which list certain types of development that are not considered inappropriate development in the Green Belt. Inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances. There are no special circumstances that outweigh the harm caused to the Green Belt. The proposal is therefore contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (Section 13).



2        The proposed development would have an undue impact upon the visual amenity and landscape character of the area.


          The development consists of a barrow 9 metres in height (Barrow 3) with a steep slope of 70-80 percent. This will appear as a tall, prominent and alien feature within the landscape. The proposal is therefore contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (Section 15), Aligned Core Strategy Policy 10, Local Planning Document Policy 19 and Calverton Neighbourhood Plan Policy BE1.