5 Enforcement ref: 0212/2022 - Land at Lime Lane Woods, Lime Lane, Arnold PDF 561 KB
Unauthorised change of use from agricultural land and woodland to outdoor pursuits, cinema and leisure venue with associated siting of storage containers, food vending trailer and other activity based paraphernalia and installation of an access track and car parking area.
The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report.
That the Head of Development and Place, in conjunction with the Head of Governance and Customer Services, be authorised to take all relevant planning enforcement action including the service of any necessary enforcement notices and issue of proceedings through the courts, if required, to ensure the cessation of the unauthorised change of use of the site to an outdoor pursuits, cinema and leisure venue and removal of all associated structures, infrastructure, fitments, storage containers, food vending trailer and other activity based paraphernalia and removal of the access track and parking area to include reinstatement of the land to its condition immediately prior to installation.