Issue - meetings

Introduction of financial penalties for contraventions of the Clean Air Act 1993 Section 19A relating to emissions of smoke in a smoke control area.

Meeting: 13/06/2023 - Environment and Licensing Committee (Item 4)

4 Introduction of financial penalties for contraventions of the Clean Air Act 1993 Section 19A relating to emissions of smoke in a smoke control area. pdf icon PDF 339 KB

Report of the Head of Environment - Melvyn Cryer


Consideration was given to a report of the Head of Environment, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, seeking approval for the use of financial penalties for offences under section 19A of the Clean Air Act 1993 (as inserted by section 73 of the Environment Act 2021) and to set the monetary level for financial penalties which may be issued for offences under Section 19A of the Clean Air Act 1993 relating to emissions of smoke in a smoke control area.




1)     Approve the use of financial penalties for smoke control offences in a smoke control area, under Section 19A of the Clean Air Act 1993;


2)     Sets the level of the financial penalties under Section 19A of the Clean Air Act at £175;


3)     Approve the increase of the financial penalties to £300 (the maximum value) for persistent/repeat offenders; and


4)     Delegate authority to the Corporate Director to authorise relevant officers or persons to issue financial penalties in respect of offences, and to determine objections in accordance with Section 19A of the Clean Air Act 1993.