79 Application no. 2021/0126 - Beacon Baptist Church, Killisick Road, Arnold, NG5 8BD PDF 448 KB
Councillor Paling left the meeting.
Residential development (outline) to include demolition of existing site buildings.
The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report.
Following debate, the recommendations within the officer’s report to grant planning permission was not carried.
The Chair adjourned the meeting to allow officers to draft the proposed reasons for refusal of the application.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:07pm.
The meeting resumed at 7.11 pm.
To refuse the application for the following reasons.
The reasons for refusal following the over-turn of Beacon Baptist are:
1) The proposal would fail to comply with part (a) or (b) of Local Planning Document (2018) Policy LPD56 – Protection of Community Facilities.
2) The applicant has failed to demonstrate that there is sufficient alternative existing community facility provisions with sufficient (or equivalent) capacity available within the area which can be reasonably accessed by walking, cycling or public transport and which would not result in the need for significant increases in car journeys.
3) No alternative provision will be provided as part of the development; and
4) Insufficient evidence has been submitted with the application to demonstrate that the retention of the existing community building and use is not economically viable, feasible or practicable.