Issue - meetings

Houses in Multiple Occupation in the Netherfield Ward

Meeting: 11/01/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 60)

60 Houses in Multiple Occupation in the Netherfield Ward pdf icon PDF 463 KB

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To note the latest position on the suitability of implementing an Article 4 direction, to introduce a requirement for planning permission to change from a C3 Dwellinghouse (family dwelling) to a C4 HMO (3-6 unrelated people who share facilities) in the Netherfield Ward.




1)    Note that there was currently insufficient evidence to demonstrate that an Article 4 direction or any other measure was necessary to protect local amenity or the well-being of the Netherfield Ward.


2)    Note that the overall number of HMOs in the Netherfield Ward would be monitored and a further update report would be submitted to Cabinet within 12 months.