24 Application no. 2022/0240 - Netherfield Methodist Church, Victoria Road. Netherfield PDF 544 KB
Conversion of existing church property, with subsequent change of use, from community centre (Class F2 - former class D2) to 13 one-bed residential dwelling spaces (Class C3) with accompanying internal and external communal spaces, secure bin store, cycle store and parking provisions.
Oliver Cammell of Hockley Developments (The Applicant), spoke in support of the application.
The Head of Development and Place introduced the report. He recommended that planning permission be granted in accordance with the conditions detailed within the report, but with an amendment to include the planning obligation monitoring fee as detailed in the report.
To Grant Planning Permission: Subject to the owner entering into planning obligations secured through a s106 agreement with the Borough Council as the Local Planning Authority and the County Council as the Local Highway to secure contributions towards transport, monitoring fee and to secure a local labour agreement; and subject to the conditions listed for the reasons set out in the report.
1 The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.
2 The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the details as set out within the application form received on the 25th February 2022, the site location plan received on the 25th February 2022, the revised Planning Statement received on the 17th August 2022, the Marketing Information received on the 21st April 2022, the revised site/block plan received 16th June 2022, drawing name: VR-HD-20001-Pl Rev B, the revised first floor plan and roof plan received on the 9th August 2022, drawing names: VR-HD-23001-Pl Rev B and VR-HD-29001-PL Rev B, the plan received on the 25th February 2022 showing the basement plan, drawing name VR-HD-21001-PL Rev A, the plan received on the 22nd April 2022 showing the proposed ground floor plan, drawing name: VR-HD-22001-PL Rev A and the revised plan received on the 17th August 2022 showing the revised elevations, drawing name:VR-HD-20101-PL Rev B.
3 The development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted flood risk assessment (titled FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT; EA's Site Specific Modelled Data; Updated report in response to EA Letter: LT/2022/126926/01-L01, Ark Environmental Consultancy Ltd, dated April 2022) and the following mitigation measure it details:
· Finished floor levels shall be set no lower than 22.66 metres above Ordnance Datum (AOD) (as per section 9.0 of the FRA).
This mitigation measure shall be fully implemented prior to occupation and
subsequently in accordance with the scheme's timing/phasing arrangements.
The measure detailed above shall be retained and maintained thereafter
throughout the lifetime of the development.
4 No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until a dropped vehicular footway crossing is available for use and constructed in accordance with the Highway Authority specification.
5 No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until the parking, turning and servicing areas are surfaced in a bound material with the parking bays clearly delineated in accordance with drawing name VR-HD-20001-Pl Rev B. The parking, turning and ... view the full minutes text for item 24