Review of Absence Management Policies - Consultation Closure
Report of the Head of HR, Performance and Service Planning.
The Head of HR, Performance and Service Planning introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, informing members of the feedback received from trade unions and the Joint Consultative and Safety Committee and to ask the committee to approve the recommendation to implement the proposal for the policy change.
1) Receive the consultation comments and recommendations from the Joint Consultative and Safety Committee;
2) Implement the proposals made to amend the Attendance Management Policy and the Absence Management Procedure with effect from 1 July 2022;
3) Accept the minor changes to policy wording suggested by UNISON in relation to paragraphs 2.9.2/4/11 and 3.1/3 in the Employee Handbook Appendix 15 (and associated paragraphs in Appendix 16); and
4) Accept the recommendation of the Joint Consultative and Safety Committee of 7 June that the phrase 9reasonable adjustments’ be included at an appropriate place in the proposed amended policies.