Issue - meetings

Residents survey

Meeting: 27/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 77)

77 Residents survey pdf icon PDF 935 KB

Report of the Senior Leadership Team


The Director of Corporate Resources introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, providing feedback to members on the results of the residents’ satisfaction survey 2021 and asking cabinet to support recommendations arising from this.




1)    Note the results of the residents’ satisfaction survey; and


2)    Approve the action plan to ensure that the use of survey data is optimised to inform the development of our services in the future, to include the following:


a)    Develop a programme of further public consultation to support the development of the Gedling plan 2023-27;


b)    Inform the development of service plans for 2022/23;


c)    Consider potential service improvements or amendments for consideration as part of the current and future budget process; and


d)    Review our communication with residents to ensure they are effectively informed about our service provision.