131 Application No. 2020/1054 - Land At Rolleston Drive, Arnold PDF 1 MB
Proposed residential development and associated development including means of access and parking, drainage attenuation, landscaping and amenity space.
Alex Piziura, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application.
Emily Christie - Head of Planning at ilke Homes (The Applicant), spoke in favour of the application.
The Head of Development and Place introduced the report.
That the Borough Council GRANTS FULL PLANNING PERMISSION, subject to the owner entering into a Section 106 planning obligations with the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority and with the County Council as Local Education Authority for the provision of, or financial contributions towards education, public open space and its future maintenance, health, bus stop infrastructure, and a Local Labour Agreement and subject to the following conditions:
1 The development herby permitted shall commence before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.
2 This permission shall be read in accordance with the following plans:-deposited on the 20th October 2020:- Housing Schedule; Topographical Survey 1 of 3; Topographical Survey 2 of 3; Topographical Survey 3 of 3; Tree Survey Plan drg. no. 9476-T-01; Preliminary Drainage and Levels plan drg. no. PJS-15-001 Rev C; Swept Path Analysis Fire Engines drg. no. PJS20-15-005; Existing Plan drg. no PL02; Proposed Boundaries Plan drg. no. PL04; Proposed Master Plan drg. no. PL05; Proposed Heights Plan drg. no. PL06; Proposed Parking Plan drg. no PL07; Proposed Site Sections drg. no PL11;Proposed Street Elevations drg. no PL12; Cardinham Plans and Elevations drg. no. PL20; Dalby T1 Plans and Elevations drg. no. PL21; Dalby T2 Plans and Elevations drg. no. PL22; Dalby T3 Plans and Elevations drg. no. PL23; Holt T1 Plans and Elevations drg. no PL24; Holt T2 Plans and Elevations drg. no PL25; Holt T3 Plans and Elevations drg. no PL26; Rockingham Plans and Elevations drg. no. PL27; Weston Plans and Elevations drg. no. PL28; Temporary Access Road drg. no. SCH500 deposited on the 18th February 2021; Swept Path Analysis plots 67-69 drg no. PJS20-15-007 deposited on the 8th March 2021; On Plot Landscape Proposals drg no L-02 Rev C; Public Open Space Landscape Proposals drg. no. L-01 Rev F deposited on the 20th April 2021; Revised site layout plan drg. no PL03 Rev G deposited on the 15th April 2021; Revised Junction Visibility Splays drg. no. 0003 rev P02 deposited on the 15th April 2021; Revised Refuse Vehicle Swept Path Analysis drg. no. 0001 rev P03 deposited on the 20th April 2021; Standard Car Swept Path Analysis drg. no 0003 rev PO1 deposited on the 20th April 2021; Standard Car Swept Path Analysis drg. no 0004 rev PO1 deposited on the 20th April 2021; and the following supporting documents:- Deposited 20th October 2020:Flood Risk Assessment produced by PJS Consulting Engineers;Noise Impact Assessment produced ... view the full minutes text for item 131 |