Issue - meetings

Planning Application 2020/0050

Meeting: 31/03/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 113)

113 Application No. 2020/0050 - Land at Top Wighay Farm, Wighay Road, Linby pdf icon PDF 663 KB

Additional documents:


Outline planning application for mixed-use development comprising; 805 homes, land for employment purposes (up to 49,500m2 of B1/B8 uses), a Local Centre comprising A1-A5, B1(a) and D1 uses (up to 2,800m2), a 1.5 form entry Primary School and associated infrastructure, open space and landscaping (EIA Development).


Andy Evans – Programme Director at Nottinghamshire County Council, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer outlined the report and gave the following updates:


A late objection had been submitted by the Woodland Trust, as they believed that a number of trees within the application site would not be appropriately protected in that root protection areas were not identified and more trees on site should be retained.  As layout was not currently under consideration, these more detailed matters would be considered when reserved matters applications were submitted.  Condition 23 of the outline permission also required each phase of development to be accompanied by an Arboricultural Assessment. As a result, the objection was not considered to have an overbearing impact on the outline application.


Furthermore, in respect of the width of the safeguarded route for the Nottingham Express Transit, it had been confirmed that the width of the route actually needed to be 12.5m and not 14m.  As a result, condition 10 would need to be amended to reflect this change.


The recommendation in section 9 of the report also needed to be updated in that it was not possible for the County Council to be a signatory of the Section 106 Legal Agreement, to receive monies required towards Education and Highway, as they were also the landowner and it was not possible for the County Council, if required, to enforce a legal agreement against themselves.  As a result, all contributions would need to be made to Gedling Borough Council and the recommendation updated to reflect this.


As a result he recommended that the application be granted permission, subject to conditions as outlined on pages 44-51 of the committee report, with condition 10 updated to secure a safeguarded route 12.5m wide, not 14m, for the Nottingham Express Transit and the recommendation to exclude the County Council as a signatory to the legal agreement, as outlined on page 43.




To Grant Planning Permission: Subject to the owner(s) entering into planning obligations with the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority; for the provision of, or financial contributions towards, affordable housing, education, highway improvements, health, public open space including management arrangements for the open spaces/drainage feature and a local labour agreement; and subject to the conditions listed for the reasons set out in the report:







1.             Approval of the details of layout, scale, landscaping and appearance (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") for each phase of development shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority before the commencement of development of that particular phase.


2.       Application(s) for approval of reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority no later than 5 years from the date of this permission, and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 113