Issue - meetings

Planning Application 2019/0902

Meeting: 15/01/2020 - Planning Committee (Item 87)

87 Application No. 2019/0902 - 35 Gardenia Grove, Carlton NG3 6HY

Additional documents:


Erection of 5 new dwellings and associated parking areas and garaging.


Jacqueline Maidment, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application.


The Service Manager – Development Services introduced the report.




To GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION, subject to the following conditions:


1.    The development herby permitted shall commence before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.


2.    This permission shall be read in accordance with the application form and following list of approved drawings: RHA1817-0150 - site plan RHA1817-0151 rev A - site plan RHA1817-0152 rev A - house plan (type A) RHA1817-0153 - house plans (type B) RHA1817-0154 rev A - site entrance RHA1817-0155 rev A - front elevations RHA1817-0156 rev A - rear elevations RHA1817-0157 rev A - side elevations RHA1817-0158 - side elevation RHA1817-0161 - Drainage layout RHA1817-0162 rev A - house plans as proposed RHA1817-0163 - house plans (type B) RHA1817-0058 rev A - site sections


The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with these plans/details.


3.    No above ground work shall commence until samples of the materials for the external appearance of the dwellings have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority; development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


4.    No part of the site hereby permitted shall be brought into use until a dropped vehicular footway crossing/ has been widened and is available for use, together with a possible relocation of the gully. These works shall be constructed in accordance with the Highway Authority specification to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


5.    No part of the site hereby permitted shall be brought into use until the site access drive/parking or turning areas are surfaced in a hard-bound material (not loose gravel) for a minimum of 5.5 metres behind the Highway boundary. The surfaced drive/ parking or turning areas shall then be maintained in such hard-bound material for the life of the development.


6.    No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until the access is constructed with a gradient not exceeding 1 in 10 for a distance of 5m from the rear of the highway boundary as shown on drawing number: RHA 1817-0154a


7.    No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until the visibility splays shown on drawing no: RHA 1817-0154a are provided. The area within the visibility splays referred to in this condition shall thereafter be kept free of all obstructions, structures or erections.


8.    The hedging on both sides of the access point shall be cleared completely and a 0.9m wall shall be erected on drawing no: ref: RHA 1817-0154a.


9.    From the date of first occupation every property built on the site with one or more dedicated vehicle parking spaces and/or a garage shall be provided with access to a fully operation 3 pin socket on a dedicated 16A circuit, capable of providing a safe overnight 'trickle' charge to an electric vehicle using  ...  view the full minutes text for item 87