Issue - meetings

Recommended appointment into Chief Officer posts

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee (Item 7)

Recommended appointment into Chief Officer posts

Recommended appointment into Chief Officer posts




That the committee


a)    Supports the recommendation of the Chief Executive to appoint into post the following officers:

·       Tina Adams into the post of Chief Finance Officer and Section 151 Officer

·       Lance Juby into the post of Assistant Director, Communities, Leisure and Wellbeing

·       David Archer into the post of Director of Transformation (job-shared and for a period of up to two years)

b)    Confirms that the new post of Chief Finance Officer is designated as the Council’s Chief Financial Officer (Section 151 Officer) as required under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972.

c)     Authorises the Monitoring Officer (or Deputy Monitoring Officer) to notify the Executive of the committee’s recommendation and to ask if there are any material objections to the appointments.

d)    Notes that, should there be no such material objections received from the Executive, that the Leader of the Council shall confirm the post holders into post from a date determined by the Chief Executive.