Issue - meetings

Authority to commence a formal consultation process; management rationalisation and re-organisation (“Phase 2”)

Meeting: 21/09/2020 - Appointments and Conditions of Service Committee (Item 24)

Authority to commence a formal consultation process; management rationalisation and re-organisation (“Phase 2”)

Report of the Chief Executive.


The Chief Executive introduced a report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting, introducing proposals for the rationalisation of the Council’s senior management structure and to seek authority to commence formal consultation.




1)     Support the proposals for rationalisation of the council’s senior management structure as detailed in the report proposals.


2)     Authorise commencement of a formal consultation process comprising consultation with affected employees and recognised trade unions and a closure of consultation at a meeting of the Joint Consultative and Safety Committee.


3)     Ask that the results of the consultation exercise are brought back to this committee for consideration and in order to inform the committee’s decision in relation to the implementation of a revised senior management structure. 


4)     Recognise that once the structure has been determined then this committee will also be responsible for conducting any selection process required for appointment to the posts of Director and for the designation of statutory roles where appropriate. For all other posts the Chief Executive will implement a final structure under delegated powers and make selection into this structure; and


5)     Rename the existing “Service Manager Pay Scale” as “Head of Service Pay Scale” and to recognise that this pay scale will be applied to all new posts of Head of Service at a grade determined in the report proposals.