Decision details

Extension of the relocation of Arnold Market Stalls on a temporary basis

Reference: D1534

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek approval to extend the current agreement for a temporary market at Eagle Square to enable the Council to undertake a full review of the future permanent location of Arnold Town.


To enable Gedling Borough Council to seek opinions from traders, businesses, residents and other stake holders relating to the permanent relocation of Arnold Market to Eagle Square.
To ensure the continued prosperity of the wider town centre of Arnold.
To provide the Arnold Market Traders with a consistent and permanent marketplace to trade from.

Reasons for the decision:

1.Subject to all necessary consents and permissions being obtained, approval is given to extend the temporary arrangement for Arnold Town Market to be held at Eagle Square, Arnold until March 30th 2025 whilst a full review is undertaken for the future location of the market.
2.Subject to all necessary consents and permissions being obtained approval is given to commence a further 28-day consultation with market stall holders, local residents, businesses surrounding Eagle Square and Arnold Marketplace as well as other stakeholders regarding the permanent location of Arnold Market.

Alternative options considered:

Approval is not obtained for the provision of a temporary market at Eagle Square to allow for a period of consultation regarding the permanent relocation. This would mean in order to continue to operate the market from Eagle Square the consents and permissions that are required will need to be renewed annually. This will also fail to provide the traders with any consistency for the permanence of their trading.

Publication date: 01/10/2024

Date of decision: 01/10/2024

Accompanying Documents: