Reference: D1393
Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Public Protection
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve a 3 week consultation period to ask
local residents, businesses and agencies their opinions on a Public
Spaces Protection Order.
To prevent anti-social behaviour caused by car
cruising and associated activities in the areas shown at Appendix 2
which has a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in
the locality.
To ensure the level of FPN is appropriate to the offending involved
and to keep the time for payment of FPNs under this legislation in
line with the council’s current processes and procedures for
the payment of FPNs.
Portfolio holder could not approve the
consultation however consultation is required to be able to impose
a PSPO, there have been numerous complaints and police involvement.
It is felt that the PSPO is the best way to prevent further issues
with car cruising. Portfolio holder could approve a consultation
for a different period of time however it is felt that the issue is
ongoing and a three week consultation is adequate for the local
community to comment on the proposed PSPO and allow the Council to
act promptly in addressing the behaviour.
Publication date: 03/03/2023
Date of decision: 03/03/2023
Accompanying Documents: