Decision details

Transfer of Section 106 Developer Contributions for Open Space Development Projects

Reference: D1549

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The purpose of this report is:
1.To seek approval to transfer the open space off-site contributions collected as Section 106 Developer Contributions to Calverton Parish Council to expend on capital projects which meet the requirements of the Section 106 Agreements;
2.To establish by virement the capital programme budgets for the delivery of open space development projects by the Parish Council, to be funded by Section 106 Developer contributions.


To approve:
1)the transfer of the Open Spaces Contribution up to £49,911.53, from the Section 106 Agreement dated 12th November 2020 in relation to the Planning Permission 2017/1263 Land Adj Dark Lane, Calverton, to Calverton Parish Council to be spent in accordance with Schedule 6 of the above Section 106 Agreement.
2)the transfer of the Open Spaces Contribution up to £13,494.77, from the Section 106 Agreement dated 11th June 2021 in relation to the Planning Permission 2018/0817 Car Park, North Green, Calverton, to Calverton Parish Council to be spent in accordance with Schedule 2 of the above Section 106 Agreement.
3)the establishment, by virement, of the capital programme budgets for delivery of open space development projects to be funded by S106 developer contributions as detailed in recommendations 1 and 2.

Reasons for the decision:

To ensure the transferring of funds for delivery of open space provision in line with planning obligations detailed in the above Section 106 Agreements.

Alternative options considered:

Gedling Borough Council could not transfer the Section 106 Contributions to Calverton Parish Council however, if the Council does not spend the financial contributions in accordance with the obligations and timescales within the relevant agreements this could result in the contributions, including any indexation, having to be paid back to the developer.

Publication date: 24/09/2024

Date of decision: 24/09/2024

Accompanying Documents: