Decision details

Local Requirements List for planning related applications

Reference: D1366

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth and Economy

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Gedling Borough Council determine in the region of 700 planning and related applications a year. Currently the Council can validate applications in accordance only with the National requirements, as set out in the Planning Practice Guidance (paragraph 22 Reference ID: 14-022-20140306) and the Town and Country Planning Development Management Procedure (England)(Order) 2015. However, paragraph 44 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) identifies that a list of local requirements can be adopted by a Local Planning Authority and that the information sought should be the minimum needed to make a decision.


The document then provides a list of what would be required to be submitted in support of different types of applications. This will include a wide range of applications, including a typical householder application, where the site may be in the green belt, outline and reserved matters applications, as well as less common applications e.g. a prior notification application for an agricultural building. To aid use of the document, the contents page provides hyperlinks to the relevant section of the document so that it is not necessary to scroll through or read the whole document.

Reasons for the decision:

The Local Requirements List is reproduced at Appendix A and provides a background as to why the document is required as well as useful links to relevant policy guidance that will assist in the determination and consideration of applications.

Alternative options considered:

To continue relying on the national requirements for validation; however, the local list will allow greater consistency in terms of validation and more timely decisions and greater continuity for applicants and their agents.

Publication date: 04/11/2022

Date of decision: 04/11/2022

Accompanying Documents: