Meeting documents

Wednesday 20 August 2008 6.45 pm

Wednesday, 20th August, 2008
Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold

Attendance Details


That the minutes of the above meeting be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor subject to the following amendments to minute 20:-

i. Councillor S.J. Barnes being recorded as voting against the proposition.

ii. Councillor Beeston being recorded as voting against the proposition and not for the proposition.

This Council notes that, as a result of the housing stock transfer process, it has not been practicable for the Cabinet to develop plans for the Council to restore Killisick Court to a sheltered accommodation complex for the elderly. It therefore supports the Cabinet's discussions with Gedling Homes about its inclusion in the stock transfer with a view to Gedling Homes bringing the site back into use.
The meeting closed at 7.55 pm

Attendance Details

R.J. Goodwin (Mayor), P.A. Andrews, P.G. Barnes, S.J. Barnes, C.P. Barnfather, A.G. Barton (a), D.N. Beeston, A.S. Bexon, P.M. Blandamer, F.J.D. Boot, V.H. Bradley, G.V. Clarke, W.J. Clarke, E.J. Collin, S.M. Creamer, R.T. Day (a), W.H.F. Doe, M.S. Dunkin (a), A.M. Ellwood, P. Feeney (a), G. Fullwood, A.J. Gillam, W.H. Golland, P.A. Hughes, R.G. Kempster, D.I.A. Kumarasiri, H. Maddock, S. Mason-Kempster, B.S.R. Miller, R.J. Nicholson, J. O'Riordan, J.M. Parr, W.A. Peet, T.J. Pepper, V.C. Pepper, C.J. Powell, R.A. Poynter, C.N.F.W. Pratt, S.J. Prew-Smith, D.E. Pulk (a), M. Roach, M.A. Shepherd (a), M.S. Spencer (a), J.J. Spencer, R.F. Spencer, R.J. Tait, J.O. Tanner, G.G. Tunnicliffe, G.E. Withers, M.A. Wright


29Prayers were said at the start of the meeting.
30Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Barton, Day, Dunkin, Feeney, Pulk, Shepherd and M.S. Spencer.
32Arising from their appointment on the Gedling Homes Shadow Board, Councillors Creamer, Tait, Goodwin and Wright, declared a prejudicial interest on the Notice of Motion regarding Killisick Court.
33The Mayor vacated the Chair and left the Chamber as he had declared a prejudicial interest in the item.

The Deputy Mayor took the Chair for consideration of the item.

Councillors Creamer, Tait and Wright also left the Council Chamber.

Upon a Notice of Motion received in the names of Councillors W.J. Clarke and P.G. Barnes, a proposition was moved by Councillor W.J. Clarke and seconded by Councillor P.G. Barnes in the following terms:-

"This Council urges the Cabinet to commit itself to an orderly timetable to restore Killisick Court to a sheltered accommodation complex for the elderly and present to Council a fully costed repair plan for the restoration of Killisick Court in line with the leader's commitment to the electorate of Killisick and Mapperley Plains wards."

An amendment to the proposition was moved by Councillor V.C. Pepper and seconded by Councillor R.F. Spencer in the following terms:-

"This Council notes that, as a result of the housing stock transfer process, it has not been practicable for the Cabinet to develop plans for the Council to restore Killisick Court to a sheltered accommodation complex for the elderly. It therefore supports the Cabinet's discussions with Gedling Homes about its inclusion in the stock transfer with a view to Gedling Homes bringing the site back into use."

A request was made by two Members for a named vote on the amendment and upon the Deputy Mayor putting the amendment to the meeting the voting was as follows:-

For the amendment

Councillors Andrews, Barnfather, Bexon, Blandamer, Boot, Bradley, G.V. Clarke, Collin, Doe, Fullwood, Golland, Kempster, Maddock, Mason-Kempster, Nicholson, Parr, Peet, T.J. Pepper, V.C. Pepper, Powell, Prew-Smith, Roach, J.J. Spencer, R.F. Spencer, Tanner, and Withers.

Against the amendment

Councillors P.G. Barnes, S.J. Barnes, Beeston, W.J. Clarke, Ellwood, Gillam, Hughes. Kumarasiri, Miller, O'Riordan, Poynter, Pratt and Tunnicliffe.

The Deputy Mayor declared the amendment carried and it became the substantive proposition. Upon the Deputy Mayor putting the substantive proposition to the meeting it was declared carried and:-